Hi, I am Raj!

Ph.D. student at Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech.


Update: Starting September 2024, I will be at Stanford (with Prof Diyi Yang) as a visiting student working on using NLP for social good.

I am interested in building human-AI collaborative natural language processing models for social good. I am skilled in C++, Python, JAVA, Hadoop, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning algorithms, and Data Structures.

I want to pursue a Ph.D. program with a focus on understanding the human behavioral alignment of language models and their impact on social decision-making. During my Master’s program at Georgia Tech, I have been fortunate to work on a variety of projects that use language processing for the betterment of online mental health platforms. This has equipped me with a strong foundation of computational social science methods along with a well-rounded experience of working with popular language processing algorithms.


Aug 15, 2023 Happy to receive Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship Award 2023!
This award is given to students who have excelled in scholarship and are pursuing doctoral degrees. Selection for this competitive award is based on multiple areas including but not limited to academic history, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation. This recognition comes with a stipend of $5,500, per academic year, renewable up to 3 years.
May 5, 2023 Graduated with a Masters in CS from Georgia Tech!
Apr 15, 2023 Happy to receive The Marshall D. Williamson Fellowship Award 2023!
This award will support the College Master’s program and be awarded to a well-rounded, second-year Master’s student who best embodies Marshall’s values of academic excellence and leadership (4 recipients – 1 each for Computer Science, Computational Science & Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Information Security).
Oct 14, 2022 Super happy that my paper “When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pre-trained Language Model for Financial Domain” is accepted to appear at #emnlp2022 (Main) 🥳. Check out the models and the benchmark here https://salt-nlp.github.io/FLANG/.
Jul 15, 2022 My paper titled “Modeling Motivational Interviewing Strategies On Online Peer-to-Peer Counseling Platforms” is accepted in CSCW 2022!
Apr 15, 2022 Received the Donald V. Jackson Fellowship Award.

selected publications

  1. How Well Do Deep Learning Models Capture Human Concepts? The Case of the Typicality Effect
    Siddhartha K Vemuri, Raj Sanjay Shah, and Sashank Varma
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.16128 2024
  2. Development of Cognitive Intelligence in Pre-trained Language Models
    Raj Sanjay Shah, Khushi Bhardwaj, and Sashank Varma